The Adventures of Becktron and Sally Slappers is a 30-minute 3-D animated series. It follows the adventures of Becktron, a spunky intergalactic explorer, and Sally, the smartest teen on Earth. The series smashes stereotypes by presenting two protagonists who spotlight the importance of female friendship, women scientists, and strong, diverse role models for the next generation.
Our story begins when the Planet Becktropolis is attacked by the evil General Dahl, an authoritarian dictator who wants to rule the entire universe. Becktron escapes, but her spaceship crashes and lands on Planet Earth, where she meets Sally. Sally is a red-headed genius, who can turn even the most ordinary object into an amazing invention; like turning her flip-flops into a helicopter! The girls become BFFs and vow to use their unique abilities to defeat General Dahl, but first, they must destroy the evil forces that try to stop them on Earth.
Becktron and Sally are inspirational characters who rely on chutzpah and brainpower to outwit their enemies and accomplish their mission. Tween and Teen focus groups were enthralled by our spin on the timeless struggle between good and evil but with a “ girl-power” – space-age twist.
This project is in development, with primary artwork and storyboards significantly completed. As a fiscal sponsor, your support will enable us to complete the first season of the series and help us birth our dream. Who knows, we may even name a character after you!
Writer & Producer
Sylvia Gail Kinard is the writer and producer of The Adventures of Becktron and Sally Slappers. She is the President/CEO of KACE World, LLC, which develops inclusive and family-friendly entertainment.
Sylvia is an award-winning screenwriter whose work has been recognized by the Hamptons International Film Festival, the African American Women in Cinema Film Festival, CASCADIA International Women’s Film Festival, and the Cinema Street Women’s Short Screenplay Competition.
Sylvia previously served as the inaugural Executive Director for the New York Production Alliance (NYPA), the inaugural Director of the Film and Television Program at Medgar Evers College, and former Vice President of the Board for NYWIFT. Sylvia studied writing at New York University and holds a BA in Economics from Seton Hall University and a Juris Doctorate from New York Law School.