Nancy Rosenthal
Producer, Documentaries and Executive Director, New York WILD FIlm Festival
New York WILD Film Festival
Jane Rosenthal
Partner & Co-Founder
Tribeca Productions
Steve Rosenthal
Marketing Consultant, Personal Manager
Nina Rosenblum
Daedalus Productions, Inc.
Lisa Jeanne Rosenberg
Writer and Script and Story Consultant
Lindsay Rootare
Owner - Writer/Actor/Producer
Miss Risk Media
Patricia A Romeu
Assistant Director
School of Visual Arts
Bella Roman
Voice Over Assistant
A3 Artist Agency
Kat Rohrer
GreenKat Productions
Shirley Rodriguez
President/Creative Director
Create The Remarkable, Inc.
Alicia Rodis
Intimacy Coordinator
Alicia Rodis Inc
Marilyn Rodan
Marilyn Rodan
Carla Franchesca Robles
Production Facilitator
Manhattan Neighborhood Network
Sheila Robinson
Writer & Social Worker
Sara Robin
Director, writer, producer
Judith Roberts
Chapter 24 Films
Karen Roberts
Writer & Producer