Nina G Zaretskaya
  •  Address -
    380 Rector Place Apt 20F,
    New York, NY, 10280, United States of America
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    Home:   212 786-4243
    Office:   646 770-7495
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Nina G Zaretskaya

President. Founding Director
Bubble Wrap Productions, LLC (New York). Art Media Center TV Gallery (Moscow)

Nina Zaretskaya is a Russian-American documentary film maker. Being involved in each phase of production she is also a producer, writer, script supervisor, interviewer, artistic director, etc. Her prime focus of interest is in visual art and culture.

Full Bio
Nina Zaretskaya was born in Moscow and currently lives and works in New York. She graduated from the Moscow State University with a Ph.D. in Philology, and has made a career as a media art curator, a documentary producer, TV journalist, video maker, show host, founder and director of Art Media Center ˝TV Gallery˝ (1991), a Moscow institution highly praised for its contribution to the appearance and development of video and new media art in Russia.

Recipient of multiple grants and fellowships from Soros Foundation, Ford Foundation, Trust for Mutual Understanding, Mondriaan Foundation, German Cultural Center (among others), Nina has curated and organized numerous exhibitions, including ˝Total Recall˝ (dedicated to Phillip K. Dick), ˝This Other World of Ours˝ (video installations by Young British Artists), ˝Medium is the Message˝ (presentation of work by Nam June Paik), the goal of which was to introduce contemporary foreign art to the Russian audiences. She also organized exhibitions in Europe and the US, w

Industry Awards
diploma of the Fifth Russian Documentary Film Festival in New York ˝For the artistic reflection of the idea of creative freedom in modern culture˝ (˝Odnoralov_x0019_s Coat˝, 2010).

diploma for the best film in the ˝Russian Literature on the Screen˝ nomination category at the Tenth Russian Documentary Film Festival in New York (˝Should the Clover Rustle in the Meadow& Yevgeny Yevtushenko˝, 2012 _x0013_ 2016).

Medal by the Pushkin Society in America for the outstanding contribution to the popularization of Russian culture through documentary film making