Carla Charny
  •  Address -
    435 East 65th Street,
    New York, NY, 10065, United States of America
  •  Phone
    Home:   212 794-9127
    Office:   917 747-5687

Carla Charny

Media, Marketing & Intellectual Property Attorney / In-House Counsel
Professional Credits
Attorney, Davis & Gilbert LLP. Formerly Associate General Counsel/V.P. Business & Legal Affairs, The Nielsen Company and Nielsen Media Research, Inc. Prior positions in business affairs include WNYC-TV International Programming, Business Times (ESPN, Lifetime), and television/film/theatre. Graduate of The Juilliard School (drama).
Industry Awards
Fordham Law School: ASCAP Nathan Burkan Memorial Prize (Copyright), Thomas F. Reddy, Jr. Prize (Intellectual Property).