Sofiya Saykovska

    Sofiya Saykovska


    Sofiya Saykovska is an up and coming editor based on Long Island, New York. Having edited narrative, documentary, music videos and social media content, she is multifaceted and a passionate creative.

    Full Bio
    Sofiya is a recent BFA Film graduate from the School of Visual Arts, specializing in editing. Of all the moving parts of film, editing is the one she fell in love with.

    Detail-oriented and a creative problem-solver, Sofiya can generate multiple solutions to any challenge. Her imagination flows as soon as she sits down at her chair. Her creativity draws inspiration from a variety of sources, including painting, writing, dancing, music, and cinematography.

    Sofiya is available for remote or commuting work.

    She has recently finished editing two award-winning short films, Good Enough (directed by Sabrina Gener) and Disoriented (directed by Maura Garnett), both of which are moving on to film festivals. Additionally, Playtime, a previous film she edited, has won 4 awards and been featured in 8 local festivals.

    Industry Awards
    2024 SVA ALUMNI GRANTS: James Richard Janowsky award,
    J. Efros Memorial Award, William C. Arkell award