How do I change the email address associated with my account?
Log in with your old email then click “Update Profile.” If you’re still having trouble, please call (212) 679-0870 or and we will help you.
How do I change the password on my NYWIFT member profile?
Go to the Member Center and try to log in. Click “Forgot your password?” If you do that and you still can’t log in, there is a chance that you used a different email address to create your member profile. Try logging in with a different address.
I am a NYWIFT member. Why is the system saying I am a non-member when I sign up for an event?
Are you using the right email address to log in? Only one of your email addresses can be associated with your member profile – if you have more than one email address, it’s possible your other addresses are in the system as “non-member.” Try logging in with a different email address. If that doesn’t work, then your membership may have expired. To reactivate your membership, contact or call 212-679-0870.