The Vital Importance of Mental Health Awareness for Women in Media and Entertainment: Insights from World Mental Health Day Festival 

In the fast-paced world of media and entertainment, women often find themselves balancing demanding careers while also managing their mental health. Prioritizing self-care is not only important but necessary. NYWIFT Members LaKisa Renee and Tammy Reese had the privilege of attending Project Healthy Minds’ World Mental Health Day Festival on October 10th in New York City, the largest global celebration of mental health awareness. The event brought together influential leaders from the arts, including Award-winning Musician, Actor and Advocate Demi Lovato; TODAY Co-Host Carson Daly; Founder and CEO of OBB Media, Michael D. Ratner; and Peoplehood Co-Founder; Actress Sanaa Lathan, to share insights on the importance of mental health, the power of storytelling, and the impact of self-advocacy.


Meet the New NYWIFT Member: Robyn Hussa Farrell

Welcome to NYWIFT, Robyn Hussa Farrell! Robyn Hussa Farrell is an award-winning NYC writer, producer, and performer. She founded four companies, including Transport Group Theatre Company, which recently celebrated its 23rd year in Manhattan. Hussa specializes in producing and directing multi-media events and programs that highlight stories of empowerment and strength. For the last 20 years, she has worked with over 200 interdisciplinary researchers to develop evidence-based mental health documentary film programs that have been shown to decrease stigma and improve behavioral health outcomes for communities. She has interviewed over 1,000 experts in mental health and individuals with lived experience and produced films on mental health topics ranging from eating disorders and suicide to veteran PTSD and childhood trauma and resilience. Robyn spoke to us about her work at the intersection of mental health and the arts, her theatrical roots, and most meaningful projects.


Wellness During a Pandemic

We have all spent the last year doing our best to avoid catching the COVID-19 virus. However, masks, social distancing, and the other protocols we have observed do not represent a meaningful overall strategy for our general wellbeing. A recent NYWIFT Talks Wellness During COVID 2.0 moderated by Easmanie Michel, NYWIFT’s Special Projects Associate, addressed this issue with experts in wellness, Laurie Gerber, Head Coach at HG Life, and professional athlete and yoga instructor Zachy Chrisodoulou, owner of the Sommerville PurFlo Yoga franchise.


Top Takeaways: Preserving Your Mental Health During Challenging Times

As a director and producer, NYWIFT board member Kathryn O'Kane is a planner and she's used to solving problems. The biggest challenge she's finding during the COVID-19 crisis is that there’s not enough information to be able to plan. She attended the NYWIFT “Mental Health and Career Sustainability in the Doc World” panel because to learn how producers can come to terms with that and how to relax into the uncertainty of the moment when it goes against our nature. She offers her top takeaways.


Shifting the Conversation: Mental Health and Career Sustainability in the Doc World

Living in survival mode and keeping it all together for their crew and subjects is what documentary filmmakers are good at, but it often comes at great costs to their own mental health and physical well-being. Member Janine McGoldrick offers a recap of NYWIFT's recent panel on mental health in the doc world, and how some leaders are starting to shift the conversation to address what was once a taboo subject.