Advice to Beginning Female Filmmakers

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The advice to young female filmmakers in this Film Courage video by filmmakers Elle Schneider and Lily Cade, is good advice to women in the industry in general:

Be compatriots not competitors.

Don’t get so wrapped up in “it’s a man’s world.”

Don’t encourage the tokenism. More than one woman can be in the writer’s room, for example.

Learn how to to counter offensive behavior in a productive way.

Learn how to read people.

Realize not everyone will be interested in working with you, move on. You don’t need anyone’s permission to be a filmmaker.

Are you a young female filmmaker starting out? The NYWIFT’s Intern/Mentor Program is Accepting Applications for Immediate Placement.  More info here.



nywift New York Women in Film & Television supports women calling the shots in film, television and digital media.

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