Meet the New NYWIFT Member: Tara Morrison

By Sofiya Saykovska

Welcome to NYWIFT Tara Morrison!

Tara “Penk” Morrison is a visionary from Brooklyn now based in Jamaica, Queens, NY. She’s a determined self-starter with a unique creative style, inspiring others with her confidence and passion for storytelling. Tara found her niche in film and TV behind the scenes, launching Sweet Penk Films in 2020 to produce her own projects and support fellow creatives.

From writing screenplays on her stoop to directing her debut project, Faith Tribulation, Tara’s journey reflects her resourcefulness and community spirit. With multiple screenplays and a docuseries treatment in the works, she advocates for finishing what you start and believing in yourself.


NYWIFT Member Tara Morrison (photo courtesy of Tara Morrison)


Welcome to NYWIFT! Describe yourself, give us your elevator pitch!

I am Tara *Penk* Morrison, an authentic visionary from Brooklyn who now resides in Jamaica, Queens NY. I visualize life through different lenses. I am a self starter, quick learner, enthusiastic, and have a unique style of creativity. I’ve been told that I inspire others just by the confidence that I carry throughout my day to day life. I am someone who is determined for greatness and isn’t afraid to challenge myself. 


What drew you to join NYWIFT?

I’ve been searching for years for a foundation of intelligent, intellectual, confident, and like minded women who were not afraid to speak up and say, “I belong here.” One day, I was scrolling on Instagram and I saw different pictures of diverse women smiling, celebrating, fellowshipping, and praising each other. I watched for months to see if I would fit in with such a dynamic tribe of women and realized it didn’t matter whether or not I’d fit in if I didn’t take a chance to go observe personally the women that I admired from a distance.

After meeting with some of the members, I realized that not only would I fit in but I also have the chance to stand out as well. That group of women were called the NYWIFT


Can you share your journey into the film industry and what inspired you to start your production company? What have been some of the biggest challenges and successes you’ve experienced since starting Sweet Penk Films?

I always wanted a career in the film and television industry, whether it was in front of the camera or behind the scenes. As a teenager, I tried to find different ways in. I searched for acting auditions and schools to help navigate myself into film and television. I helped several people with writing on their independent films and assisted anyway I could.

As time went on I realized that my place was behind the scenes as a writer. I made this discovery when I could look at situations around me and create lengthy stories about them. I found my way into a production assistant training program, “Made In NY,” and also received several production certifications.  

One day, I had a vision about my future. I visualized that I would have a big production studio some day, that will produce my own films and pull the ladder back down for those who have passions similar to mine. Also, realizing that in order to get there, I must start from somewhere, and that’s when Sweet Penk Films was born in January of 2020. 


(Photo courtesy of Tara Morrison)


Can you walk us through the production process for Faith Tribulation, from initial concept to release on YouTube?

The summer of 2016, I used to sit on my front stoop with a notebook and pen for hours thinking of ideas to come up with for a television series. One day, the idea came to me to write about what I see around my circumference. To write about what I know, who I know, and what I saw around me. That’s when my creative juices started to flow. I wrote fictitious yet similar stories about my friends and the struggles that they were going through. It took me starting from the beginning of that summer in June to the end of that September in 2016 to complete a ten episodic screenplay.

Years went by and I neglected doing anything about the script due to lack of a team and contacts to get this project done. Fall of 2018 I purchased a camera, I started making noise about a screenplay that I had, and started attracting people who wanted to act and fill the roles of the characters.  I watched YouTube videos to learn the basis of how to use a camera and edit my work; with the help of other filmmakers, I built a rapport with along my journey, and from the help from people in my neighborhood, I was able to film, direct, and edit Faith Tribulation on YouTube.


Over your ten years as a writer, how has your writing style evolved, and what key lessons have you learned?

With ten plus years as a writer, my writing has evolved due to several reasons: I write what I think other people would enjoy, I listen to my inner thoughts, I take the advice that of others, I take my time and patiently create stories, I do research on things I want to write about, I don’t have a specific genre in which I write about, I’m always a student first, and knowing as resourceful as I can be, I don’t know everything, and lastly, I trust myself.


What are the biggest challenges and opportunities you see for independent filmmakers today?

Some of the biggest challenges I see for other independent filmmakers is the lack of support. That includes funding, resources, and possibly time. Meanwhile, there are many opportunities. For example, building relationships with people who are like minded, joining organizations such as NYWIFT, finding your people, and networking.

One of Tara’s works (Photo courtesy of Tara Morrison)


Can you share any upcoming projects you are excited about or any new directions you plan to take Sweet Penk Films?

Since Faith Tribulation, I have completed three screenplays and a treatment for a docuseries. The Cybus; Pretty Woman; a six episodic mini series, 2 Down; and the docuseries Adoptees. I am extremely excited about getting these upcoming projects produced eventually. 

As far as Sweet Penk Films, I plan on getting the name recognized and more films created. 


What advice would you give to aspiring filmmakers and writers who want to start their own production companies?

To all my aspiring writers and filmmakers, my advice to you is to finish what you start. Don’t let anyone tell you, “You can’t do it.” Believe in and trust yourself. If you want to do it and you believe you can do it, go for it. Surround yourself with people who love and support you, be yourself. Know that just because it didn’t work for the other person, that does not mean it won’t work out for you. This is your baby, plan it, birth it, raise it, produce it, and live by the phrase: “May Your Universe Match Your Sacrifice”.

NYWIFT Member Tara Morrison (photo courtesy of Tara Morrison)



Lastly, what does true happiness mean to you?

What true happiness means to me is waking up everyday, having the opportunity to work toward my dreams and ambitions, making people around me happy, living my best authentic life, being able to be around people that I can learn from and grow with, being confident, and staying true to myself.


Connect with Tara Morrison on LinkedIn and on Instagram at @SweetPenkFilms.


Sofiya Saykovska

Sofiya Saykovska Sofiya Saykovska is an up-and-coming editor based in Long Island, NY. She is freshly graduated from the School of Visual Arts. Her works include "Good Enough", and "Disoriented", both of which were prestigiously awarded from the SVA Alumni Society. Sofiya is actively involved in various creative pursuits, including photography, dance, music, and painting. Her work often showcases her vibrant imagination and keen eye for detail.

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