Meet the New NYWIFT Member: Nadine Mann

By Desiree Rucker

It’s only a matter of time before the industry is abuzz about the work of screenwriter Nadine Mann, who joined NYWIFT in December 2023. The Bronx native’s script Starlet Christmas recently placed 12th out of 3,711 animated script entries in Coverfly’s Animated Projects Competition in June of 2023. It was a semifinalist in the Los Angeles International Screenplay Awards Diversity Initiative III 2023.  

An incident she experienced resulted in her writing her first Screenplay Outreach. It received Honorable Mention at the Frights! Camera! Action! horror screenplay contest

Her script Take Down was a Finalist in three contests in 2022: The Bright International Film Festival, the Delta International Film Festival, and the Ediplay International Film Festival. It received Honorable Mention in the Big Apple Film Festival.

NYWIFT Member Nadine Mann


She credits her success to 20 years of studying the craft of screenwriting at Gotham Writers Workshop and the School of Visual Arts, among others. Her life has been full of creative endeavors that inform and inspire her screenwriting. In her twenties, she studied fashion, and received a BFA in Fashion Design from Pratt Institute in Brooklyn. Nadine sold her designs on consignment to boutiques on Madison Avenue in Manhattan. 

Pivoting from fashion, she then attended graduate school at Lehman College/City College studying Counseling and Clinical Psychology Concern. She worked for over twenty years for Metro New York Community – NYS Office for People With Developmental Disabilities.

In her off hours, Nadine produced a newsmagazine show Get to The Point for BRONXNET, a community access cable television station in the Bronx. She holds certifications as both a Field and Studio Producer and frequently worked as Editor and Cameraperson. She has produced specials that aired on MSN and BRIC TV.

“I’m on a journey I didn’t foresee, with roadblocks that are slowly being removed. If I continue to stay on course, I anticipate arriving exactly at my appointed time,” Nadine said.

By joining NYWIFT, Nadine plans to network and get her scripts in front of the decision makers at Netflix and HBO.


Connect with Nadine Mann on Twitter at @NadineMann19.


Desiree Rucker

Desiree Rucker Desirée Rucker tells stories using film and words. She earned a MFA in Creative Writing (LIU Brooklyn) in 2015. Her first short film, The Theater, screened at Anthology Archives (2004) as part of the 48 Hour Film Festival. Desirée has filmed and produced hundreds of hours of content for her cable access television program, Culture Matters TV on BRIC Free Speech TV. In 2017, she received the B Free George Stoney Award for Social Impact for her program on Young Black Male Empowerment. Her writing has been staged in a live bicoastal reading produced by Frank Silvera and the Billie Holiday Theater (2019) and a play was produced as part of Brownstone Steps Short Play Festival (2022). She is a long-time member of NYWIFT and co-leads the New Works Lab, where she is working on a script for a series set in Jamaica, Queens, and Jamaica, W.I.

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